6 Must Read Books about Social Studies and the Environment

Hello again! We’ve selected some of our favourite books from our childhood to share with you :) And another thing, these books are captivating and great for kids from 2-8 years old 📚 Great for storytelling, or just the classic bedtime stories.

  1. Kamala and Maya’s Big Idea

Author: Meena Harris

Suitable age group: 3-5 years old

Source: Book Depository

This storybook is inspired by the childhood of vice president Kamala Harris!

It writes about two sisters who work with their community to effect change. This empowering picture book tells about how Kamala and Maya turned their empty apartment into a playground. The story teaches about perseverance in the face of disappointment and how they can turn dreams into reality. This tells the tale of how children have the ability to make a difference in the community by coming together to transform the neighborhood.

  1. What If Everybody Did That?

Author: Ellen Javernick

Suitable age group: 3-7 years old

Source: Amazon

This book centers on a boy who makes some bad decisions such as throwing trash out of the car window and feeding popcorn to the bear when he goes to the zoo. Each time the boy does one of these things, an adult will ask him, “What if everybody did that?" 

The following page will depict the outcomes if everybody did the same thing as the boy. It is a book about community and it reminds the reader to follow rules and the importance of rules.

  1. We Planted a Tree

Author: Diane Muldrow

Suitable age group: 3-7 years old

Source: Amazon

The story begins when two families from opposite sides of the world each plant a tree in the backyard. Years pass and the trees grow, as do the families. Meanwhile, the reader learns how trees grow and what they do to benefit people all over the world, and the earth itself.

The story tells the importance of planting trees. Trees help clean the air, enrich the soil and provide fruit and shade. At the end, the children have grown, and we see them standing, happy and hopeful, with their families around the tree they each put into the earth.

  1. Those Shoes

Author: Maribeth Boelts

Suitable age group: 5-8 years old

Source: Amazon

The main concept of this story is wants versus needs. 

The boy is very poor but he really wants the shoes that everyone else has. He was raised by his grandmother, who knew he needed new boots, and not fancy sneakers. So they went to different shops and he saw the shoes at a second-hand shop, but they were too small. He did not care and asked his grandmother to buy it anyway and she does. Whenever he wore the shoes, he hurt his feet and got blisters, so eventually, he stopped wearing them. 

At the end of the story, he gives the shoes to another boy in the class, who is also from a poor family. It was a hard decision for him to give the shoes away, but he eventually does. In short, it is important for children to open their eyes to see the world, be less materialistic, and buy only what they need – not get caught up in ‘I have to have this', and ‘I really want that' thoughts.

  1. If You Come to Earth

Author: Sophie Blackall 

Suitable age group: 5-8 years old

Source: Amazon

This book is about a curious and imaginative child. It is a funny and touching storybook. It carries a clear message about the need to care for the Earth and each other. 

Moreover, there are a few things you need to know when you come to Earth. We live in all kinds of places, in all kinds of homes, and in all kinds of families. Each of us is different, but all of us are amazing. And, together, we share one beautiful planet. This moving picture book is a visually comprehensive guide to the earth, inspired with warmth and humor.

  1. Duffy's Lucky Escape

Author: Ellie Jackson

Suitable age group: 4-8 years old

Source: Amazon

Duffy's Lucky Escape is an engaging story about the global problem of ocean plastic, highlighting to children the relationship between humans and wildlife and the dangers animals face in their own natural habitats. Stunning artwork captures the imagination of young readers and brings to life a very real threat to our oceans. 

So here you have it, our small collection of books about social studies and the environment.
Happy reading! 
Also, which of these is your favourite? Let us know in the comments below! 👇🏻
