How to be a Good Citizen?

Greetings! In this post, we will be discussing how to become good citizens of our country. Many things contribute to how we can better ourselves to benefit the country and its people.

✅ Check out some of the characteristics of a good citizen down below 👇🏻 and see how many of these you check off 😉


A responsible citizen abides by all the laws and regulations set by the governing parties of the country. Citizens of the country are to exercise their rights and duties, such as casting votes during the election and being active in keeping up with news regarding the country and its development. 

During this Covid- 19 pandemic, a responsible citizen would follow the SOPs implemented to curb the spread of the virus. We are responsible for ensuring that we wear masks when we go out and follow SOPs. When we return, we should also dispose of our masks properly and not leave them lying around to protect our environment from plastic wastes. 


We must understand the importance of giving back to society. We can contribute to society in countless ways to show our appreciation for what it has done for us during our development. When we give back to society, we help develop it for future generations to come.

We can give back to society by participating in community activities such as beach cleaning. The environment plays a critical role in our healthy living. When we participate in charity runs or volunteer, we learn how blessed we are to have so many opportunities that others might not have.


Tolerance means accepting people who are different from you in terms of ethnicity, culture, habits, and even beliefs without prejudice or judgment. Tolerance is significant in Malaysia, a country that has multi-religious and multi-ethnic communities. It is important to put people together to contribute to the nation's prosperity.

We can show tolerance for other ethics by learning through their culture. For example, we are encouraged to make friends with people that are from different ethnics groups, including Malay, Chinese and Indian.


 Patriotism means love and devotion to one’s country. We should have a genuine love for our country. We must be ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of our motherland. 

As good citizens, we must stand straight when singing the National song. Besides that,  we can decorate our house with the national flag to show love for our country.  



We can donate our blood to others if we are healthy. One donation can save as many as three lives because someone needs blood every two seconds. Blood donation does not benefit just us, but others too. Donating blood can reduce stress and improve our emotional well-being.

We can also donate money or items to help others. The things that we can donate are clothes, shoes, bags, books, and toys. All these things can be donated to organizations such as old folks’ homes and orphanages. 



Compassionate means feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others. Being compassionate means we can help to relieve the suffering of others. As an example, when someone receives bad news, we can sit beside them, lend an ear and give them some advice or encouragement. 

         We need to observe and feel what happens around us so that we can help others immediately. We should not be compassionate just to our loved ones but to everyone in the world. 



The environment is the most significant resource for life. Humans get everything from it, so it is our responsibility to protect the environment. 

        There are some simple ways to protect the environment such as using recycle bags when we go shopping, save water and electricity, and recycle properly. Although these are easy to do, not everyone will because they do not realize that every little thing they do can make a difference to the world.


Good citizens always obey laws and respect the authorities. Respect for yourself and others is an important quality. Self-respect makes us feel proud of our actions and work.

Respect for others makes everybody feel a sense of belonging. Respecting others also means valuing different ideas and viewpoints.



Rules and laws are made by the government to make sure social peace. These protect the rights of citizens and helps the country develop. To obey the law is the quality of a good citizen.

Research shows that in high-crime communities, certain laws are not followed because of the community's social norms. Thus, it is important to obey rules and laws because it is for the greater good of everyone.



Being a citizen, we must have the basic skills necessary to evaluate arguments logically and critically. A country depends on a population that is well-informed and civic-minded to protect the people’s freedoms and political rights.

We must read the news to stay fully informed on issues that affect us, our area, and the rest of the country. We can get involved in community events to be aware of the different changes that might take place and impact society.


Skip on driving a car and take a bus instead. Not only will you help save the planet from the ravages of pollution, but you'll also financially support public transit, which is vital to low-income households.

Using public transportation also helps reduce carbon dioxide emissions as there will be less traffic and congestion on the roads. This will reduce the carbon footprints and the air we breathe will be cleaner.


Water is one of our basic needs. We should understand the importance of water and the benefits it brings not just to us, but all living things. Therefore, we must learn to save water.           There is likely to be a significant water crisis in our lifetime, so conserve as much clean water as you can. While our planet is covered in water, only so much of it is drinkable and we use a lot of that for unnecessary things, like taking extra long showers.

So… how many did you check off? ✔️
We hope you continue to grow to be a good citizen and may you become the change you want to see in the world. Lots of love! 🌍✨
