How to Protect Endangered Animals

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Check out what we can do to protect endangered animals in the world. Protecting the environment sounds like a really big task for us to do individually, but when we do it together, every small step individually becomes a big step collectively.

⛨ When we protect our endangered animals, we conserve and protect them from extinction, and they keep our ecosystems healthy to purify our environment!


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Plastic is not biodegradable. If plastic is not put into landfills for incineration and recycling, it will eventually enter the ocean. According to a survey and research conducted by the scientific journal in 2015, approximately 4.8 to 12.7 tons of plastics end up in the ocean each year.

One of the most popular and influential videos on the Internet is a video of a sea turtle with a straw in its nose. It gives the audience a first-hand understanding of the actual whereabouts of plastic waste and its impact on other organisms. Seeing the pain of the turtle when the plastic straw is pulled out of its nose, with blood constantly flowing out, really puts all our actions into reality.


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Since animals cannot understand humans, the trainer has to constantly stimulate them to form a conditioned reflex. Most circuses move around to perform, and the cages where the animals live are often cramped, especially when different animals are crowded together. Their spirits are visually dampened, and I feel guilty even thinking about it.

Wild animal performances have actions that violate natural habits, such as bears walking on their legs and sea lions performing on the ground for a long time. These unnatural behaviours will endanger the health of animals and damage the health of their hip joints and toes.

The noisy environment in the circus, repeated performances, and strong light stimulation may also cause the animals to suffer from depression, become moody, and the average life expectancy is greatly reduced.


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Our best chance of conserving wildlife is to end deforestation. Tropical deforestation accounts for 10% of the world’s global warming pollution. Our forests play a crucial role in our environment as they produce the oxygen that we breathe and remove carbon dioxide gas from the atmosphere. Deforestation leads to the loss of habitats for many species of animals and trees that could cure diseases and illnesses such as cancer.

Too many parts of the world are opening the door to illegal logging. We can collaborate with non-governmental organisations such as Greenpeace to reduce deforestation. We can also promote sustainable work such as using eco-friendly products, eating sustainable food, recycling, and conserving water and energy to lean towards zero deforestation. 


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When we go traveling, we like to come back with souvenirs to remember the place and the memories we made there. However, souvenirs are sometimes made from animals that are facing extinction. We should avoid supporting illegal marketing of wildlife by not buying products such as ivory, coral, and elephant husks. These items are most likely made by killing animals to make copies of souvenirs to be sold to tourists.

It is important to consider that to make these products, habitats are destroyed and ecosystems are threatened. As these products are natural resources, their removal can be harmful to the environment. Animals and the environment would benefit when tourists and locals stop buying animal-based products and switch to plant-based products instead. 


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Hunting was a crucial part of humans to survive a million years ago. Now, hunting is a violent form of sport that hunters take pleasure in.

There is a cruel activity called "canned-hunts" where hunters pay to kill captive and confined animals on private lands. Canned hunting operations gain profit by killing endangered or threatened animals. These hunters travel to different countries to kill different endangered animals. Then, they apply for a permit to import the bodies of the dead animals as their "trophies" to bring back to their country. 

We should stop hunting as it will affect the biosphere because wildlife directly related will disrupt the ecosystem. It also disrupts the migration of birds and the hibernation of mammals because when animals migrate, they might be killed by hunters. Due to fear, they might not hibernate or migrate.


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There are many household products and cosmetics on the market that use animals for testing. Animal testing is also known as animal experiments, animal science, and in vivo testing. It is the use of animals in experiments to manipulate the variables that influence the action or biological system under study. All these tests can cause animals so much pain, just to ensure that the products are safe to use. After being used in an experiment, most animals will be euthanized, and it is cruel behavior.

Therefore, we must make sure that the product is cruelty-free before purchasing. Cruelty-free labels mean that the product has not been tested on animals.  



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Air pollutions are chemicals or particles in the environment that are harmful to human health and other living things. Human activities such as combustion from factories and transportation emissions are the principal cause of air pollution. Air pollution will negatively affect the environment and cause global warming. 

Global warming does not only shrink the ice cap but also causes heatwaves, forest fires, droughts, and habitat destruction. Habitat destruction is the key impact of global warming on wildlife, often due to climate change and water availability. Habitat destruction is one of the threats that cause many species to become endangered. We should stop air pollution so that we can reduce global warming and protect the animals. 


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Parents must treat animals well through love and care and become good role models for their children. This is because parents act as role models for their children, and they will replicate what they see from their parents. For example, if parents abuse and treat animals badly, their children will learn from them because their minds are like white paper. They will imitate their parent's habits, good or bad as they cannot distinguish right from wrong.

Therefore, parents must be caring towards animals to be good role models for their children. As parents, they have the responsibility to lead their children on the right path.


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The more money these charities receive, the more they can do to help conservation efforts around the world. Whether you set up a standing order, make a one-off payment, donate a large amount or just put your spare change in a bucket, every little amount helps. 

Donating to charities on your own behalf is a great step, but donating for someone else is even better. By buying plush toys, postcards, and even stamps sold by environmental charities, you are not only giving to the charity directly but also spreading the word to those you know.


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Zoos and wildlife parks teach us about various animals and how to protect them and their environment. We get to know how valuable these species are to our planet. Whether you live nearby or seek one out when traveling, making use of nature reserves helps to keep them running and offers animals safe habitats to live in. 

Learn more about our planet’s species from wildlife experts in zoos, aquariums, national parks, and wildlife refuges. See Earth’s most amazing creatures up close. Visiting local zoos and parks double the effect of knowing about wildlife.


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Reduce by consuming fewer consumer goods. When we consume less, we use fewer natural resources and produce less waste. Some waste, such as plastic bags and bottles, can make its way into wildlands and oceans, with negative impacts on endangered species and other animals. 

Reuse single-use plastics which are difficult to recycle and remain in the environment for decades. If you have books, toys, clothes, or other items which you do not want anymore but are in good condition, consider donating them to charity rather than throwing them in the trash. 

Recycle by finding recyclables in your area and recycle everyday items, like aluminum cans, glass, plastic containers, cardboard, and paper products. Dispose of electronics, batteries, and other potentially hazardous materials at municipal collection centres that will handle them properly.


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Adopting animals is a great way to put your money where your mouth is with regard to wildlife conservation. Adopting animals such as endangered cats and other mammals ensures that your money goes directly to the creatures that need it most.

Get together with friends to adopt an animal from a wildlife conservation organization such as the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Symbolic adoptions help fund organizations.

This concludes some of the things that we can do to protect these endangered animals.

We hope that you do your part, just as we do ours in conserving our wildlife <3

“All creatures are deserving of a life free from fear and pain.” – Maura Cummings   
