Hacks and Ways to Reduce Waste at Home Part 1

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In this post, we will look at some hacks on how we can reduce waste at home by reusing and innovating!

♻️ Not only can we reuse, but here we explore our creativity as well!

Rubber Boots Planting

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This is an easy and fun activity that involves both parent and child to carry out! All you need to do is to find an old pair of unused boots, drill some holes at the bottom (with parental supervision), put some potting soil in and add the flowers.

Optional: Paint the boots with different colours and designs!

Shoe Boxes

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Shoe boxes make great for storage and they last for a long time. You can design the boxes with markers, pens and wrapping paper. 

The shoe box can be used to store colour pencils, socks, arts and craft items and anything that fits, really!

Old Credit Cards

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Old credit cards or any cards that are no longer in use are great for cutting out into guitar picks.

These guitar picks  would come with unique colours and designs as it is different from a normal store bought pick.

Now, you can enjoy strumming the guitar and have sing-alongs with your own guitar pick that has been reused from old credit cards.

Turn old ladders into a bookshelf

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This is an innovative and creative idea as it saves cost in buying a bookshelf. It also gives off a warm vibe and aesthetic for the room.

It is relatively simple, as all you need to do is open the ladder to let it stand so it is stable. Then, you can put glass or a wooden plank to widen the surface area allowing more space for books.

It also offers a variety of heights, letting young children to have a section on the bookshelf for their things.

Making Compost at Home

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Compost is made to feed the soil. This is a great activity as both parent and child get to participate in this outdoor activity.

Things like grass, tea leaves, coffee grounds, animal manure can be added to the compost. Then, it is watered and should have the consistency of a wet sponge. Once it is stirred up, it can be used to feed the soil.

Soda Bottle Pencil Holder

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Pencil holders are great for keeping your desk organised, but finding the right one can be difficult. Fortunately, all you need is a bottle to produce one. 

To make the ideal pencil holder, all you need are some simple craft supplies, a little bit of time, and a little bit of creativity once the bottle has been cut.

Convert Old Towels and Clothes into Dust Rags

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Don’t throw away the old towels and old clothes. We can use those recycled towels and clothes around the house to clean up or use during art projects. We can also use them to clean up spills or deal with paint and other messes. 

We can save money by recycling old towels and clothes as cleaning rags, and they last for a long time!

Gift-wrap using newspaper

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Wrapping paper can be hard to recycle, and unless you are very careful when opening presents, tricky to reuse. Newspapers are a  cheap and convenient alternative. 

We can use the newspaper to wrap our presents. It is a fantastic way to use up newspapers headed to the recycling bin. It looks aesthetically pleasing as well!

Watering Can Planter

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Watering cans are a staple for any gardener, but they are not just used for watering plants. We can turn old watering cans into watering can growers and use them as garden art decoration instead of throwing them away.

Their appearance turns plants into art that can look great in any garden environment.

Vintage Key Wind Chimes

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If you have all kinds of unnecessary keys in your home, don't throw them away. We can use them to make the best wind chimes for our house. You only need a disc and some strings to tie them in different designs. 

They are usually made in a circular drop, and when placed next to a window, they can bring you a pleasing sound. Since the keys used are old, the wind chimes also look very antique or retro.

DIY Recycle Bin

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We can see nowadays people pack non-separated waste and throw it far away from home such as a public rubbish bin. We can make DIY separation bins to recycle our own rubbish.

We can use unused A4 paper boxes to make a recycle bin for glass, metal, paper, and plastic. We must state which rubbish goes into which bin and throw it accordingly. This is to help reduce waste in households. 

Toilet Roll Tube Pencil Holder

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Toilet rolls are used by the majority. After finishing the toilet roll, it is common to throw the toilet roll tube into the rubbish bin. It should be acknowledged that it can be reused and we should stop throwing it away.

We can use the toilet roll tube to make a pencil case holder. Children love colourful things so we can decorate them with colourful papers, pens, and stickers. After decorating, stick 4-5 roll tubes together to become a big pencil holder.

Tire Planters

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We can use unused tires to do gardening. Using tires for planting is creative and can be used to show and raise environmental awareness.

Using unused tires instead of using flower pots can help to reduce wastes on Earth. We can paint the tires in different colours and decorate them in the garden. When the garden is beautiful and full of flowers, those who see will be put in a better, happier and positive mood.

Soda Can Tab Hanger

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Let us see what we can do with the soda can tab! After drinking soda drinks, we throw away the soda cans. Do you all know it can help us to make space in our wardrobe?

Soda can tabs can help make spaces. As we can see in the picture above, we can put the soda can tab on the hanger so that another hanger can hook onto it. By doing this, two shirts can hang together in one space. So, remember not to throw these tabs out and start collecting the can tabs from now on!

Mineral Bottles Money Bank

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Normally, we refill mineral bottles again after finishing its content as it is convenient, light and easy to carry around. In other ways, this mineral bottle can become a money bank.

We can use colourful papers to wrap it up and cut a hole on top of the bottles. We can also paint the bottle. Cut holes on the sides and top of the bottle. The hole is for us to keep coins inside. It is easy to make and practical to use.

This marks the end to Part 1 of Hacks and Ways to Reduce Waste at Home. We hope that you find these hacks and ways innovative :) Check out Part 2 here~
